Just some light and causal contemplation - high-calorie food for thought for afternoon strolls and the occasional hypnogogia

my feymann questions

  • How does order emerge from chaos? What is the nature of complexity?

    Tags: Complexity Theory

  • What does it mean to be human in the age of machines? What are the core difference between human / biological systems and computational systems?

    Tags: Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Embodiment

  • How can one live an optimal, flourishing, virtuous, and meaningful life? How can we leverage technology to cultivate wisdom and unlock well-being at local and global scales?

    Tags: Philosophy, Applied Wellbeing, Wisdom

  • How can the free energy principle and active inference be applied as a mental model across neuroscience, philosophy, religion, and mythology?

    Tags: Mathematics, Philosophy, Religion

  • In the modern secular age, can we reconcile science with religion? What has been the role of spirituality in ancient times and how does the lack of spirituality impact modernity and civilization building?

    Tags: Charles Taylor, Wolfgang Smith

  • Is In n' Out's burger (animal style of course) better than Shake Shack?

    Tags: Burgers :); West Coast Best Coast vs. East Coast

  • What is the nature of consciousness? Is there a computational approach to measuring degrees of consciousness?

    Tags: Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Mathematics

  • What does the ideal Tuesday look like?

    Tags: Everyday Life

  • What is the nature of love, beauty, and truth? Is there an interconnected relationship between them?

    Tags: Philosophy, Aesthetics

  • How can we improve our relationship to uncertainty? How does ergodicity effect the way we think about ensembles across space vs. time?

    Tags: Statistics

  • What is the nature of evolution? What is the relationship between an agent and it's environment? What roles do adapation, growth, efficiency, and resiliency play?

    Tags: Biology, Mathematics

  • Why does Tomer like thinking about big, open ended philosophical questions and why can't enjoy the simple life?

    Tags: Porque no los dos

  • Personal


    He likes the Sweet Green Harvest Bowl with tortilla chips instead of almonds, reflecting on the meaning of life, Fred Again, the Greeks, Plato, fitness & strength training, Alfred Whitehead’s philosophy of organism, arete, William Blake’s poetry, skiing the back bowls in Colorado, eudaimonia, ergodicity, Olympic & Half-Ironman triathlons, Del Mar’s Board n Brew sandwiches, complexity theory, David Whyte’s poetry, surfing, the dance between order & chaos, beauty, Prospect Park bike rides, Goethe, the small things in life, sunlight, truth, meta-modernism, the Beatles RockBand edition, health & wellness, and quality friendships. Please see the Personal section that paints a brief story of his life in pixels.

  • Professional

    He has done stints in Strategy & BizOps at a high-growth financial technology start-up (Carta) and M&A investment banking (Credit Suisse). He is now currently exploring a variety of interests in artificial intelligence (with a focus on agents, healthcare and creativity), longevity, psychedelics, and biotechnology on both the investing & building side. He is open to consulting at start-ups and corporates leveraging his background as a generalist in strategy, finance, corporate development, venture investing, and business operations. He has done over a dozen deals in his career with a focus on software transactions and written over 30+ checks into venture funds & start-ups. He’s also exploring more product-oriented work. Please see the Professional tab for more detail on past work.

  • Intellectual

    Intellectually, he’s interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence and neuroscience and how we can leverage technology to improve the human condition in our modern world with the ultimate goal of cultivating human flourishing at the local, collective, and global scales and time horizons. How can we most efficiently & robustly fight entropy? How can we create harmony and resonance? How do we turn artificial intelligence into real wisdom? How can we transition from our Faustian, industrial, reason-based, atomized, individualized society to a re-enchanted techno-organic society in harmony with nature and others? How can we leverage the wisdom of history to guide us into an every accelerating, exponential world? How can we cultivate epistemic humility, a better appreciation uncertainty, and a balanced relationship to arts & beauty in an age where science, computation, and technology have been deemed the ultimate solution? Please see the Musings page for his Feynman questions; he’s planning on exploring some thoughts to them via Twitter.

  • Creative

    Creatively, he’s attempting to pick up charcoal figure drawing & poetry, is an amateur film photographer, and appreciates a good paint by numbers kit. He is also looking to explore his interests in storytelling and film-making.

  • Knowledge

    Epistemically, a few notable scientists & thinkers that he has been inspired by are Karl Friston (free energy principle, markov blankets, bayesian brain), Jordan Peterson (meaning, cognitive / psychological interpretation of religion), Stephen Wolfram (computational interpretation of physics, the Ruliad, computational boundedness), John Vervaeke (cognitive science, wisdom, and spirituality mash-up), Ian McGhilichrist (left vs. right hemisphere distinctions with a dash of Scottish charm & English literature flare), Bobby Azarian (the age complexity, UTOR, universal bayesianism), Alfred Whitehead (philosophy of organism), and David Deutsch (age of infinity, quantum physics